Italeri joins AMMO Distributions
*Italeri **se incorpora a** AMMO Distributions.*
*The prestigious Italeri is the latest addition to AMMO's web page, where
you can find a wide variety o...
Airbus A-320 neo , Iberia " patrulla aguila" , 2°
Bueno ya empezamos este Airbus A320 neo esta vez de la compañía Iberia
con matricula EC-MXU " patrulla aguila" y pongo el interior aunque no se
vera ...
Algeciras, enero 2025.
Hola a todos de nuevo.
Otro Proyecto de artillería en España. Prototipo de una pieza
autopropulsada proyectada por el Comandante...
Twisted Sisters Band
2024 is ending, and this was a transition year to me.
I did not focused so much on social media or updating the webpage, but I
kept working and did som...
Junkers Ju 87 G-2 Stuka Kanonenvogel, 1:32 scale.
10th (Pz.) SG2, Eastern front, 1945.
Trumpeter Kit 3218, 1:32 scale
I painted the spinner flat white and masked it off....
I painted RLM 70 color for th...
Pinceles del Inframundo: Final Check
¡Disclaimer inicial! Tenemos que pedir perdón… porque aunque la campaña
acabó hace tiempo, nos hemos distraído con otras cosas y se nos ha quedado
sin pu...
Autobús de línia
Countryside omnibus Minairons, escala 1/72 (=20mm) Això d'avui és el
prototip d'un model de vehicle civil que ben aviat treuré al mercat sota la
meva marca...
Char B1. El primer prototipo.
*Carro de combate francés Char B1. El primer prototipo.*
*Copia de un plano de fábrica del n°101, que muestra en particular la
torreta Schneider signi...
Printable Simple Sbar Template
Pin On Templates
Pin On Most Popular Template
Free Download This Is A Full Size Sbar Nursing Brain Report Sheet 1 Patient
Per Page Perfect For Rns ...
Living Room
Such a room is sometimes called a front room when it is near the main
entrance at the front of the house it is also known as drawing room. Living
room fu...
Cutest Baby Yoda Toy From Hasbro
[image: Baby Yoda toys, The Child Animatronic Edition, Star Wars Baby Yoda]
Hasbro unveiled the cute, very cuddly "Baby Yoda" from the "Star Wars"
Desfile en Santander, pocas fechas antes de ser conquistada por los
nacionales, en la que podemos ver un BA FA 1 abriendo, detrás dos BA 6 y un
poco despué...
Egyptian Sherman
Dragon Models Egyptian Sherman, most famous from Six Day War. Using US
Sherman hull and French AMX turrets, Egyptians made their variant of
famous tank. ...
No abandonéis los foros
No abandonéis los Foros.
Los que nos descuidasteis por Facebook, ...os va a tocar volver.
The *Chenowth Advanced Light Strike Vehicle (ALSV)* is an all-terrain
light military vehicle developed by the United States. It is the successor
to the Ch...
Patrella 2019: La premiere.
- ¡Aquí el reeeeportero Tadeo, adalid de la modernidad y vuestro contacto
con todo el famoseo! Emitimos hoy nuestra crónica desde la alfombra roja
de uno...
Nowe książki/ New books
Ostatnio nabyłem kilka nowych książek. Uzbrojenie Wermachtu tom 2 oraz
Ilustrowana encyklopedia mundurów są świetnymi pozycjami, które ukazały się
z nakład...
Кnight and squire
Hello everybody!
The vignette with the knight and squire in the room is finally complete.
Figures Tartar Miniatures, resin, 75mm.
Sculptor Dmitry Pozdnyakov...
Summer sculpting workshop in Milan
Hey guys!
I just wanted to announce my next summer weekend workshop :-).
I will b...
Em podreu trobar a:
i també particip a:
NAPOLEON ET LA RUSSIE ( Nº 2 ) 1805-1807
LAS CONTAX SOVIETICAS. (El Botín de Guerra).
(El Botín de Guerra).
La Alemania derrotada, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en virtud del
tratado de paz, se vió en la obligación...
this figure is a german grenadier on eastern front and will be released
by Graham CGS
the rifle will be another one that graham have already casted
Between 1941 and 1943 there were a total of 260,000 German troops in North
Africa. Of this number 18,594 were killed and 3,400 posted as missing. The
rest ...
Brutal Japanese: Rape of Nanking 1937
*The Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of
Nanking, is a mass murder and war rape that occurred during the six-week
period foll...
Elizabeth Wiese
Eli is 29 years old. She is my wife. 2 days ago, Doctors detected a
malignant tumor in her brain. It is too big to be removed completly and
Doctors have ...
Finished! Ungepanzerter MTW Sd.Kfz. 251
Finally got finished my MTW, just in time to get it on exposition at the
Mosonmagyaróvár model show last weekend in Hungary. The Ungepanzerter
Royal Birth is coming to Monsterpalooza!
Royal Birth is coming to Monsterpalooza this weekend!
Sculpted by William Paquet!
Available at Artist Proof Studio Table Number 22
SATANAS COR PETIT ( Dragon Ball ) Paso a paso
*Os presento le figura de la saga de Dragon Ball*
*que es el personaje de Satanas / Picolo*
*según donde lo viste.*
*La pieza es de vinilo , primero cale...
Model Teras Minimalis
Sangat banyak model teras rumah minimalist yg sanggup kamu pakai, ada yg
bersama batu alam ada yg tak. Teras yakni bidang mutlak buat penghuni rumah
agar a...
Mientras tanto...
Pocas actualizaciones, lo sé. De hecho, estoy pensando en cerrar el blog y
abrir una página en Facebook ya que parece que es donde se cuece
actualmente tod...
New Blog Location!
For many years, I've mirrored my model blog here and on my own web site
( This had a few problems, but was also nice in that
it let ...
M4A2E8 Fury - Parte 1
Así es, he decidido hacer el Sherman de la pelicula "Fury", el tema no es
si la película es demasiado exagerada, casi fantasiosa, o de la veracidad
Hope everyone is well. Keep creating.
My daddy "Captain Richard" love creating burning or destroyed buildings.
This is one of my favorites. He had since dismantled this one as everything
was i...
Destroyed Iraqi T-62 - Work in progress
My T-72AV project is currently on hold because I'm waiting barrel without
thermal sleeve, so I decided to start new project:
It's Iraqi T-62 destroyed ne...
Way behind with updates but I'm back :)
Title says it all.... I got more and more behind with my blog updates,
partially because family matters and partially due to more duties at work.
Caja para transportar figuras en nuestros viajes
Tamaño de la caja Ayer me llegó una gran sorpresa, puesto que mi amigo
Mario Tornel de Hobby World Magazine me construyó una caja para transporte
de figu...
Wolverine statue sneak a peek :)
Hey There!
I thought I show you a few pics of my new Wolverine statue. I already like
how it looks although it's only work in progress. I went for the class...
E-10 II.
Nagyon jól haladtam ezzel a makettel, de hirtelen egy év szünet következett
be. Új munkahelyem lett, megszületett a kisfiam is, így a család és a munka
Vitrážová okna
Vitrážové okno s okrasným vyřezávaným dekorem V tomto článku se budu
věnovat popisu výroby vitráže. Tento postup jsem vymyslel po několika
Bueno pues después de un más que importante parón en los pinceles debido a
varios factores por los que supongo que pasamos todos los que pintamos
(aquello ...
A little something after a long while.
1st I would like to say I hope all my blogger friends have been well.
I have had a little bit of time off from work due to a pending medical
procedure, a...
CHE 15 cm. Cc. Modelo 1885.
Finalmente el trabajo se acabó. Después de un largo periodo de tiempo, más
del deseado, este pequeño diorama ha llegado a su fin. Con respecto al
modelo i...
Time to say - enough is enough.
Hi Folks,
this will be my last post here - I am quit with scale modelling.
To clean up my stash I offer here some of my last kits - so do you have any
Cara Mudah Membuat Jaringan Komputer
Cara Mudah Membuat Jaringan Komputer - Konfigurasi instalasi jaringan
dengan Speedy organik. Bio Network Setup Instalasi - Kemampuan untuk
menginstal dan m...
MFCA 2014 - Off to Valley Forge!
It's that time of year again! Tomorrow I head south towards Philadelphia
and Valley Forge for the 2014 MFCA show. This annual event is the premier
How To Sell My House Online In Three Steps
For many home owners, selling their residence is a complex and daunting
transaction. There are legal fees to ensure that your property is ready for
sale. I...
Why Sell My House Fast Milwaukie Or
Why sell my house fast milwaukie or is a question that some need to decide
on when their homes are up for foreclosure. Outstanding mortgage loans can
Fabricar tu Propia Tabla de SURF
Practicas el SURF?,, alguna vez te planteaste crearte tu propia tabla de
SURF?,, algo normal en los primeros años, por los 60-70,,, cuando empezaron
a apa...
Renault Ft 17. Colores base.
Un esquema tricolor constituye la base de este modelo de Meng Models.
Aerografiada una capa base en verde y pintando a pincel con Model Air.
Borges rie
Garabatos buscando a Borges....
El ciego parezco yo, el extraviado en su laberinto.
A cada trazo que yerro, oigo como Borges rie con envidiable inocencia,...
Into Shadow
While not a true artificial intelligence, the Hannex/ASECOR 'Herakles'
represented a substantial breakthrough in both spacecraft and autonomous
control s...
Lincoln bust available now!!
Hi Amigos,
Anyone who is interested in buying an unpainted resin copy of Lincoln must
contact me at the price is 45€+ shi...
Cierro el Blog, pero abro una web
Despues de un duro trabajo, la tienda ya esta abierta y estoy muy contento
con el resultado.
Quiero dar las gracias a todos los que estay al otro lado de la...
Konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen
Konsumen cerdas paham perlindungan konsumen dalam ayat kosong - terdiri
dari kesan saya dari perjalanan pagi ke kota, dan pulang malam bisa sama
terbalik. ...
Rey's Anatomy
Click on this link to view the entire book:
Thanks so much for those of you that have shown your support by buying my
revised anatomy book....
Adolph Hitler
This is a 90mm metal figure of Adolph Hitler prior to WWII. He's wearing
the uniform of the *Sturmabteilung* (SA). The time is 1934 and could be in
Hi guys and galls! This is a cool photo from 2008 of my seventh tank, a
JS-2 in 1/72 scale, that I happend to find (it's the only one I have left).
I will ...
30 mm Steampunk girl
I have not been doing much for a long time but wanted to get back to
painting so I happen to see this kit and thought it might be fun just to
try and paint...
Apologies for my absence!
Sorry for the absence...the dark nights are drawing in here in England,
which means I'll be back on my workbench quite soon. The people who know me
will be...
Viking Hersir 8-9th cen.
This piece is my first 90 mm scale figure. Produced by Soldiers, it is an
old figure from my stock. Painted with acrylics and oils.
Violín enmarcado
Hemos enmarcado un violín para un cliente.
Al parecer lo usó él y ahora su hijo está dando clases con este instrumento
Por eso hubo que enmarcarlo ...
Obscure Creations on hold
Due to circumstances beyond control, Obscure Creations is not accepting any
requests for miniature or Graphite commissions. Please continue to enjoy
the i...
The End
Myślę że podjąłem już ostateczną decyzję. Projekty niezakończone już takie
Nie mam czasu na dwie pasje. Długo się wahałem, jednak zdecydowałem, ż...
Red and the Wolf
I promise to start posting new tutorials as soon as I am caught up on
commissions and the pile of figures sitting here waiting to be finished.
Until the...
Vk.45.02 Tiger - WIP
Something I starting working on a while back....
A great release by Dragon that literally flies together. This is a purely
OOB b...
The Waffen SS in Russia 1941-44
The Waffen SS holds an enduring fascination for students of WWII, and
this new Concord volume caters to this interest. In particular, the book
focuses on...
VII CENA PAGANA "Mulieres Danae"
Tras un año sensacional de La Asociación Cultural Cena Pagana, llega la
esperada 7ª edición VII CENA PAGANA "Mulieres Dianae" (Las mujeres de la
Diosa Dian...
German Char B1, Eastern front -final-
Hi guys,
I call this one complete. Years ago I tried to put some paint on 1:35 faces
and quickly decided that I stick to vehicles :) But every time I work...
New Sculpts
Here are a few pieces in process. They are still in the roughing-in stage
at this point. Nothing really fixed. One of the tremendous ben...
Webs amigas. Friends Sites
Dice un viejo refrán castellano que: Es de bien nacidos el ser agradecidos.
Aplicándome ese antiguo dicho, abriré una nueva página, con los enlaces de
los ...
Challenger I Revell 03183 1/72
Soon... Been out of my working desk for some time, but I'm back with:
Only few minor things to add and the painting will start.
I wanted to take advan...
Sd.Kfz.251/3 Ausf. D of AFV-Club - The painting"
Hier die neusten Fotos von meiner Arbeit in dieser Woche. Das Fahrzeug ist
endlich zusammengebaut. Die Beladung ist aus einem Set der Firma Blackdog.
Die P...
Fotos Fotos y Fotos
Hola!, hoy subire fotos muy random porque me las pidieron, asi que fotos de
mi taller y el trabajo en el con una pequeña descripcion.
La entrada de mi ta...
II Concurso de Modelismo Zaragoza 2011
Nuestra tienda estará presente en la feria de la próxima edición del
Concurso de modelismo Ciudad de Zaragoza, a celebrar los próximos 1, 2 y 3
de Abril.
Il carro del Faraone:parte II
Finiti tutti i panettoni, torroni,pandori e riposto l'albero di Natale....è
iniziato il 2011 con la colorazione di base del mio JS 3m in mimetica ...
esta gran figura la pillé en el santo ebay a precio de ganga y no ha sido
muy complicado pintarla.escala 1/6 en resina 30 cm aprox
Tak jak przypuszczalem.... okazalo sie, ze blaszka aluminiowa zostala
zezarta przez kreta i to co zostalo to byl zastygly klej. Zajelo mi to
troche czasu, ...
LSSAH Tanker 1944
Hello Guys,
picked up my brushes after a long time and painted a Hornet 1/35 Tanker I
got in Eindhoven this year.Theres still one more hornet tanker on my ...
Quad Gun Tractor Tamiya 1/35 cz. II
Witam po dłuższej przerwie "technicznej". Quad dostał podkład - Surfacer
1200. Położyłem następnie Vallejo dark green i postanowiłem wypróbować
patent z la...
División Azul,bajo otros pinceles...
*-Ref.: BHG-1 -Título: Voluntario de la "División Azul".Sitno,1941".
-Escala 1/10,resina. -Modelado: Alberto Ambrós. -Pintura: Antonio Lobo.>*
"Ditched" - Second Debut
I was delighted when Sven Frisch offered me a opportunity to have my work
published, at the time I was still working on the Flammpanzer diorama when
I expr...
New Books from Squadron Signal
*Squadron Signal Publications* has announced two new books in their "In
Action" series.
[image: M48A3 in Vietnam in Action]*M48A3 in Vietnam in Action*
by ...
latest us navy aircraft carrier wallpapers
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) is underway
in the Atlantic Ocean conducting sea trials. George H.W. Bush will return
to ...
En breve será editada la nueva obra, un ensayo histórico sobre los
almugávares, de Chusé Bolea. "ALMUGÁVARES VÍA SUS"
Y ahora en exclusiva, uno de sus capít...